Vote Larry Block - 2024 WeHo City Council
Meet Larry Block, owner of the most popular LGBT store in Los Angeles, Block Party WeHo, who is running for City Council in the November 2024 Election for West Hollywood, CA. Larry is running for city council to put his experience to work for all the residents of West Hollywood, especially those that have been marginalized, and to bring a business voice, a senior voice, a disabled voice, and a people's voice.
Larry was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in the Five Towns of Long Island. He graduated from SUNY Fredonia with a major in business policy and a minor in advertising. After moving to West Hollywood in 1985, he opened his first shop on Santa Monica Blvd called Oscar’s Wilde. 35 years later he’s still a local business owner of the BlockParty retail store and WEHOonline. He also founded YMLA Inc., which was twice selected to the INC. 500 list of fastest growing companies in America.
Larry is a senior, partially sighted, living with his disability and working for West Hollywood. He has served as chairman of the Disability Advisory Board, as well as chairman of the Public Facilities Commission and also served on multiple boards and organizations. Larry founded Cross Safe WeHo, which led to the reconstruction of Santa Monica Blvd, after the death of Clint Bounds. He continues to advocate for pedestrian safety. He also founded the term limits initiative, measure C, which was overwhelmingly voted into law in 2013. The new City of West Hollywood flag was developed from Larry’s proposal to embed the flag with rainbow colors. While serving as chairman of the Disability Advisory Board, Larry secured a budget and, along with his fellow board members, created the first Disability Health Fair, which brings free services such as flu shots and mammograms to city residents. While serving as chairman of the Public Facilities and Infrastructure commission, Larry initiated the Green City Awards Program. You might see him driving his environmentally-friendly vehicle, a blue Bintelli cart, around town.