Excited for your Gay Cruise this winter? The Gay Fan Club can accessorize you for each of your themed parties!

Just because it's winter doesn't mean the gays hold back from a good party! From the oasis of city life to the Oasis of the Seas, The Gay Fan Club is your #1 supplier of maritime gay fans for your trip! There is always one thing you can count on a gay for... taking a party to a boat and clacking a gay fan. Let us show you our best gay fans for your adventure at seas!

If you've never been with Atlantis, let us assure you, it is a time to remember (depending). One thing you can count on is a lot of parties and needing equally as many looks for each one. And The Gay Fan Club has the best way to customize your looks with the many variations of gay fans in our selection!

Every year the parties are themed and it's best to be prepared. Although the parties rotate year to year, you can trust and believe gays have a few go to themes to promote endorphins. And you're in luck! The Gay Fan Club has a gay fan for any occasion. Here they are--


A typical first party of the voyage will be a Rainbow T-Dance. This is great for you because a large portion of our collection is rainbow themed! And who says you only need one! We have several city based rainbow gay fans. We have straight up rainbow gradient gay fans. We have our Gay All Day fan which features a ROYGBIV prismatic rainbow. Pixelated rainbows. Rainbow flags. Any gay fan your heart desires!


Another expected party will be a Disco Party where of course The Gay Fan Club has you covered. With the newest collection in our lineup The Next Level Nights, we have at least 10 gay fans perfect for the throw back. Most obvious is our Disco Ball Fan which is a silver-holographic front and back fan. Additionally you could chose from our Effervescent or Iridescent gay fans to lean hippie. One of our gold fans is always a good choice to represent the 1070s. And don't forget our four LED fans which would be perfect for a dark disco party!


Another common theme is Jungle. For this we would recommend Hola, Fucking Fabulous, or even High Life if you're into that kind of forest.


One of the most hyped nights is for the Neon Party. Things can get crazy here. But not to fret, The Gay Fan Club specializes in UV reactive neon gay fans perfect for any party using black lights. From our Poppers Fan to Stranger Danger to our Trans fan, every single one of our fans that looks like it would glow in a black light does. A gay fan for this party is a must for how well they catch attention with the UV.


And last but not least, the White Party. This is a famous party for gays as we love things white. And the Gay Fan Club has many fans you could choose from to seamlessly accent your costume. Check out our Vogue Fan, Molly Dolly, Disco Ball, Porn Star, or even our Texas Gays fan. Any of these would be great and accessorize you for the most memorable party of the trip and close out with a bang (if you're lucky).

As you're preparing for your upcoming cruise, keep us at The Gay Fan Club in mind and let us lend a hand for each of your parties.


The Gay Fan Club

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